Monday, November 18, 2013

Paean To Loved Ones Blurred In Memory;"Relatives" by Xavier Veilhan

A Picture and a Poem | The Fading Light by John Ashbery and Xavier Veilhan

“Relatives” by Xavier Veilhan, 2013. Painted metal and wood sculpture, felt pen on paper, and photograph.© Xavier Veilhan, 2013, courtesy of the artist and ADAGP, Paris. Poetry editor: Meghan O’Rourke. Art editor: Gay Gassmann.“Relatives” by Xavier Veilhan, 2013. Painted metal and wood sculpture, felt pen on paper, and photograph. Poetry Editor: Meghan O’Rourke. Art Editor: Gay Gassmann.
John Ashbery’s evocation of American ennui inspired the French artist Xavier Veilhan to create a paean to loved ones blurred in memory.
A Reading of “Domani, Dopodomani” by John Ashbery

Domani, Dopodomani
Once in a while a message arrives here
from friends we haven’t seen in some time.
Family members try to reach us
to ask about old questions. Finally, each of us
has some concern or other.
I can hear the signs breaking up.
To have half-lived in a balloon to Akron
solves it, at least for now. Different . . .
at home. After we’ve been in town a few days
and may have moved, anywhere but within easy reach,
this is kissing’s only surface. Midday suction,
easier than most. It’s savory — let’s devour,
or do something about it, rusty at the bottom
before we came to this past.
It was a moment, what can I say.

John Ashbery on the title of his poem

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