Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Future of Burial

How we bury our love ones now is the same thing humans have been doing for thousands of years:  cremation, full body or cremation burial in the ground, full body or cremation above ground in crypts, mausoleums, niches, etc.  What will the future bring?  I don't see any major changes on the horizon.  Will cryogenics (freezing of bodies for future re-use) become not only affordable but acceptable?  There was some thought recently to start burying bodies vertically, that is standing up, instead of horizontally.  But that idea never got anywhere because people want to be laid to rest, not standing up like in a phone booth for eternity.  There is so far a small movement towards green burial.  People are concerned about running out of real estate.  But America is a BIG country and so far there has been and looks like there will be for some time plenty of room for traditional burial in caskets here in America.  The number of people being cremated is increasing over time.  It is simpler and much less expensive than traditional burial but many people cannot stomach the idea.  But technology is expanding very rapidly, and America is a very dynamic country.  Things in the technology world seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere and suddenly they are everywhere:  iPhone, iPad, iPod, Skype, laptops, smartphones, etc., etc.  Laptop and desktop computers are really not that old and some people thought that computers would never develop into a mass market for all people.  So we'll see what the future brings for the deathcare industry.

Please feel free to contact me with any thoughts, comments or questions.  I can also be reached at

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